Thursday 3 December 2015

The psychology of impulsive shopping


Why some people are more susceptible than other to purchase in an irrational way?

In this period of the years, when everything is tired and Christmas is coming soon, the extra purchase it comes frequently and almost problematic for some people. Some feels relate to this practice are regrets, debt and spiritual emptiness.

One of the topics that, in this period of the year, marketers and businesses had in common with psychology is how to increase the irrational purchase. Everything is thinking to people buy things that doesn’t need but still want. The impulse buying is relate with the symbolic value, the psychological meaning that had for people more than the instrumental value. That’s why psychology has a lot of say about that topic, because “a person buying ordinary products in a supermarket is in touch with his deepest emotions.”

Consumer psychologists discovered that if some product represent in some why something important to you, like how you thing you are, is probably that you will do an impulsive purchase. Brands are fundamental in this case, because helps people to consolidate their self-concept, and that at the same time helps to communicate that thing to other people.

The new said that when the society is more individualistic people are more impulsive to spend their money. That process it usually increases in a stress periods or after problems that makes you feel that you don’t have control of situations.

If we were all rational consumers our system will be in problems. Rational or not, the way that people spent their money is a source of our identity in this world.


Thursday 26 November 2015

Alexandra, here is your feedback!

Hello guys! today I will write about a book that I'm reading at the moment. It is called "Foundations of play therapy". It is written by Charles E. Schaefer and It is a (WF) academics genre. I really enjoy it, because I'm not reading it for a test or for any university course. I'm reading it for pleasure, and besides, this book shows many clinical and educational tools for the Child and Youth Psychotherapy. The author write (T) about the importance of the play, because "the play is the Child's language and toys are the Child's words". In effect, play therapy is the natural way for (?) to  express their feelings and problems, and that is the reason why the play therapy have (T) an impact on the emotional regulation process, self-esteem, child efficacy and social integration. In addition, the play is a very good tool for the clinical evaluation.  It's a really good book, especially for psychologist and parents. 

Unfortunately, at the end of every semester, I don't have too much free time for my personal activities, so I have (WW) only read this book a while before I go to sleep. I have to admit that this while it is a very short time, because I fall asleep almost instantly. Therefore, I hope I can read more after the end of the academic year.


·      *   It is written by Charles E. Schaefer and It is an academics genre.

*  *  The author writes about the importance of the play, because "the play is the Child's language and toys are the Child's words"

·      *   In effect, play therapy is the natural way to express their feelings and problems, and that is the reason why the play therapy has an impact on the emotional regulation process, self-esteem, child efficacy and social integration.

          * so I only read this book a while before I go to sleep


Thursday 12 November 2015

Henri Matisse


Hi! Well I know I said I would write about cats, but I change my opinion. Today I’m going to talk about art, specifically about a painter that I love: Matisse. Henri Émile Benoît Matisse was an important French painter. He used the color like no other! He was one of the principal represents of Fauvism, a pictorial movement characterized by the use of strong colors, not necessarily inspired on the reality.

My mom is a painter too, so I grow up between canvas, paint, paint brush and books of art. That’s why for me art is so important and I decided write about it. I love Matisse because I think he painted the beautiful and essential of the nature. Even he said: “A work of art must be harmonious in its entirety: any superfluous detail would replace some other essential detail in the mind of the spectator”. So the nature is the inspiration, but good art is not about doing a copy of nature, we have to put something of us in our productions.

I think Matisse do this in an exceptional way! Saving the best of the nature and mixing it with their own sensing. Added to this, he had a natural ability for proportions and to do a fluid line even when he wasn’t yet a professional painter. Well to be precise, he was also sculptor, draftsman, and in their last years because of his sickness he couldn’t paint so he did amazing collage.


Thursday 5 November 2015

My performance

Well I’m satisfied about my performance but obviously could improve. The area of reading was my best, I delay more than I want but I almost didn’t fail. The area of listening was more difficult for me, because the exercise had a little trick! Like said all of the possibilities but only choose one. So I have to be very attentive. But definitely my worst area was the vocabulary. There were a lot of words than I didn’t know, and I fail a lots. Please tell me how I can improve!

Thursday 29 October 2015

A person that admires

Today, I’m going to talk about a person that admires: Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, better known as Simone de Beauvoir. She was a French intellectual, political activist and social theorist. But the most important, an incredible feminist. I knew her in the school, because I had a teacher that loves her. But I really read and admire her on the university, when I took part in a feminist group in FACSO, calls Tacones de Matthei.

She wrote a lot of novels, biographies, text on philosophy, politics and social issues. The most important is The second sex, an excellent analysis of women's oppression and an important contribution for feminism. She is also known for had an open relationship with Sartre

Well she is dead, but If would ask her something, I probably ask her how we confront the patriarchal system in a century that woman had humans right on the paper but not in the real life. In a world where woman are doubly exploited: in the work (with low salaries) and in the house (doing housework free).

If I had more time to talk with her I also would like to ask her about the relationship with Sartre! How is practice polygamy, and what she thought when Sartre told her that she was a necessary love, but he needs a contingent loves too.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Hi! Today I’m going to talk about an important issue: EDUCATION. Is not easy try to choose something enclosed on this topic because include all most everything. This topic has relation to who you want to be in the future, the poverty, the social inequality, and a lot of different things. But I want to talk about how this type of system reduces the concept of intelligence and how that problem affects in our self-perception.

This month is been apply the SIMCE on all of the country, even my little sister have to take it. She told me that the school promised a travel if the guys get good marks, but only for the guys who take the SIMCE! That kind of standardized tests, like the PSU, are disastrous because left out a lot of competence that the test can’t calculate. As well, stimulate the competition between schools and that stimulate, in turn, the market on the education and the individualism. All that things stimulate the logic of the meritocracy and the promise that if you are an effort person you can’t be a successful person. But what about people who have different skills?

I think everything is related with the system. The capitalism need people who had low skilled because a bad education to work. Sounds a little “Salfate”, but I think are a real thing. If we want change the system we have to change the education system first. But the “movimiento estudiantil” is in crisis :0

Thursday 8 October 2015

Where is the spring!!

Today I'm going to talk about the spring. I think this season of the year is the most beautiful, because everything bloom! I really enjoy see how trees bloom, for example: almendros, ciruelos, cerezos, magnolios, etc. plus all the flowers that bloom too. All that colors makes me very happy, especially when I go to somewhere in the bus.

This year I realize that is not that common note this spectacle and I have a supposition about that. First of all, I’m from Machalí and all my life I went to the farm with my family.  So I had a childhood in close contact with the nature. And second, my grandfather loves the flowers and always spent a lot of time taking care of. That’s a memory that I will never forget.

So.. WHERE IS THE SPRING THIS YEAR! I’m really tired of those days, I want that sun that warms but not burns, but it never comes. Some people think is the global warming, I don’t know, I just want to enjoy the spring. And the worst is that the allergic comes to stay. I’m a very allergic person, so I have to take medicine or I don’t work. And also, like the weather doesn’t change, I feel like the year doesn’t draw on.

I want to know if more people feel the same.. Do you miss the spring? u.u

Thursday 1 October 2015

A present I will never forget

Today I will write about an important present I received. Before, I have to recognize that I’m a lucky person, because in my life I received a lot of beautiful and unexpected presents from the people that I love. That’s makes difficult my chose! Whatever, I will choose a present that it was very important for me years ago. It was a little handmade paper box, with a lot of details and letters inside. And it had beautiful earrings inside too.

It gave to me Sofia and Carolina, my best friend of the university, for my birthday. I met them in Sociology, and then I change to Psychology, but them still been my best friends. I remember that present because I was kind depress in that period of my life, so it gives to me a lot of happiness and power to continue my life. Every time I feel a little sad I read the letters and feel great again. Until today, the present is in my nightstand.

I think is very important and nice show to the people that’s important to you, that you appreciate them. And a handmade present is a great option, because prove that someone dedicate time of their life to give you a beautiful moment. Maybe its kind a “cliché” but it’s so much better than an expensive present. In spite of that you can’t live without money, it doesn’t make the happiness. And you can’t buy love with money.

(I feel a little embarrassed now, because I sound very hippie today XD) 

Thursday 10 September 2015

September 11, a dark day

When I think in September 11 at 1973 I feel sad about the history of my country. In my opinion, that day represent the end of a beatiful dream of a different society. Also I feel a lot of impotence because I can't do anything to change all that happened in this black period. Some people think like that is outdated , even resentful, I'm absolutely desagree with that opinion. Our laws, institutions and culture are embuid of the dictatorship period. The dictatorship in Chile, was not only  the end of the "Unidad popular", it was a counter revolution that destroyed the near past.

While the state of Chile doesn't make justice, is not only important remember that day, is our responsability, for all the people that was killed, rape, tortured only for think different. We can see how others countries deal with that. In Europe, for example, no one try to forget the holocaust, quite the opposite, they felt the obligation to remember this tragedy. That is a way to try never do this again. In Chile the victims are forgotten and the murders free or in a special jails, like Punta Peuco (before Penal Cordillera). All that I can say is: shame on us!

About the different ways to express discomfort in that day, I'm agree. I think is a right that it was deny since dictatorship period until today. Obviously, break traffic light doesn't help to change the world, but I understand all the angry that a lot of people feel because "the hapiness never came". The cause of the problem is that we still live in a society founded in the fear of those days, make up of democracy. The change should be political, there is no other way.

Thursday 3 September 2015

MeXico0o0o0o beatiful and loved (8)

Human being is so incredible that produce different cultures in a different places around the world. This is amazing and we have to take advantage of the multiculturalism of our species. So, when I tinhk in one place I would like to visit I can't  easily decide. But one of the places that I would like to return is México.

I went to Mexico when I was only 5 years old, with my family, to visit my godfather and godmother. I was a little child so I can't remember everything clearly, but I can't forget all those colors and all that spicy food! Everything in this country es beuatiful and unique, the culture is infinite and the people cheerful. Obviusly this is how we describe as a foraigner, because the drug traffick and the violence associate at that issue is inhumane.

In a few days my godfather will come to Chile, and I will (re)cognise him and ask if I can come back for this holidays! If this plan result I will love to go to Teotihuacan and climb again those pyramid, but now on my own :) That's my plan, wish me luck!

Teotihuacan 001.jpg