Thursday, 15 October 2015

Hi! Today I’m going to talk about an important issue: EDUCATION. Is not easy try to choose something enclosed on this topic because include all most everything. This topic has relation to who you want to be in the future, the poverty, the social inequality, and a lot of different things. But I want to talk about how this type of system reduces the concept of intelligence and how that problem affects in our self-perception.

This month is been apply the SIMCE on all of the country, even my little sister have to take it. She told me that the school promised a travel if the guys get good marks, but only for the guys who take the SIMCE! That kind of standardized tests, like the PSU, are disastrous because left out a lot of competence that the test can’t calculate. As well, stimulate the competition between schools and that stimulate, in turn, the market on the education and the individualism. All that things stimulate the logic of the meritocracy and the promise that if you are an effort person you can’t be a successful person. But what about people who have different skills?

I think everything is related with the system. The capitalism need people who had low skilled because a bad education to work. Sounds a little “Salfate”, but I think are a real thing. If we want change the system we have to change the education system first. But the “movimiento estudiantil” is in crisis :0

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is very true!
    The other day I thought about it. I take SIMCE in a small school, and I not understand how they can measure them all equally.
