Thursday, 29 October 2015

A person that admires

Today, I’m going to talk about a person that admires: Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, better known as Simone de Beauvoir. She was a French intellectual, political activist and social theorist. But the most important, an incredible feminist. I knew her in the school, because I had a teacher that loves her. But I really read and admire her on the university, when I took part in a feminist group in FACSO, calls Tacones de Matthei.

She wrote a lot of novels, biographies, text on philosophy, politics and social issues. The most important is The second sex, an excellent analysis of women's oppression and an important contribution for feminism. She is also known for had an open relationship with Sartre

Well she is dead, but If would ask her something, I probably ask her how we confront the patriarchal system in a century that woman had humans right on the paper but not in the real life. In a world where woman are doubly exploited: in the work (with low salaries) and in the house (doing housework free).

If I had more time to talk with her I also would like to ask her about the relationship with Sartre! How is practice polygamy, and what she thought when Sartre told her that she was a necessary love, but he needs a contingent loves too.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Hi! Today I’m going to talk about an important issue: EDUCATION. Is not easy try to choose something enclosed on this topic because include all most everything. This topic has relation to who you want to be in the future, the poverty, the social inequality, and a lot of different things. But I want to talk about how this type of system reduces the concept of intelligence and how that problem affects in our self-perception.

This month is been apply the SIMCE on all of the country, even my little sister have to take it. She told me that the school promised a travel if the guys get good marks, but only for the guys who take the SIMCE! That kind of standardized tests, like the PSU, are disastrous because left out a lot of competence that the test can’t calculate. As well, stimulate the competition between schools and that stimulate, in turn, the market on the education and the individualism. All that things stimulate the logic of the meritocracy and the promise that if you are an effort person you can’t be a successful person. But what about people who have different skills?

I think everything is related with the system. The capitalism need people who had low skilled because a bad education to work. Sounds a little “Salfate”, but I think are a real thing. If we want change the system we have to change the education system first. But the “movimiento estudiantil” is in crisis :0

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Where is the spring!!

Today I'm going to talk about the spring. I think this season of the year is the most beautiful, because everything bloom! I really enjoy see how trees bloom, for example: almendros, ciruelos, cerezos, magnolios, etc. plus all the flowers that bloom too. All that colors makes me very happy, especially when I go to somewhere in the bus.

This year I realize that is not that common note this spectacle and I have a supposition about that. First of all, I’m from MachalĂ­ and all my life I went to the farm with my family.  So I had a childhood in close contact with the nature. And second, my grandfather loves the flowers and always spent a lot of time taking care of. That’s a memory that I will never forget.

So.. WHERE IS THE SPRING THIS YEAR! I’m really tired of those days, I want that sun that warms but not burns, but it never comes. Some people think is the global warming, I don’t know, I just want to enjoy the spring. And the worst is that the allergic comes to stay. I’m a very allergic person, so I have to take medicine or I don’t work. And also, like the weather doesn’t change, I feel like the year doesn’t draw on.

I want to know if more people feel the same.. Do you miss the spring? u.u

Thursday, 1 October 2015

A present I will never forget

Today I will write about an important present I received. Before, I have to recognize that I’m a lucky person, because in my life I received a lot of beautiful and unexpected presents from the people that I love. That’s makes difficult my chose! Whatever, I will choose a present that it was very important for me years ago. It was a little handmade paper box, with a lot of details and letters inside. And it had beautiful earrings inside too.

It gave to me Sofia and Carolina, my best friend of the university, for my birthday. I met them in Sociology, and then I change to Psychology, but them still been my best friends. I remember that present because I was kind depress in that period of my life, so it gives to me a lot of happiness and power to continue my life. Every time I feel a little sad I read the letters and feel great again. Until today, the present is in my nightstand.

I think is very important and nice show to the people that’s important to you, that you appreciate them. And a handmade present is a great option, because prove that someone dedicate time of their life to give you a beautiful moment. Maybe its kind a “clichĂ©” but it’s so much better than an expensive present. In spite of that you can’t live without money, it doesn’t make the happiness. And you can’t buy love with money.

(I feel a little embarrassed now, because I sound very hippie today XD) 